Dear Father...

I’m greatly looking forward to setting off on tour 12-14 April with my great friends the Bridge Quartet presenting our new Mozart programme "Dear Father...". Do join us if we're coming near you... venue details below. Further dates being planned for 2024/25.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was famous as an infant prodigy, performing in public for the first time when he was only six and publishing his first symphonies by the age of eight. But it was his father Leopold, himself a minor composer and violin tutor, who shaped and guided young Wolfgang’s career, exhibiting his son’s extraordinary talents around the cities of Europe throughout the years of his childhood, until their relationship inevitably cooled as the younger Mozart grew into maturity. In 'Dear Father…' the Bridge Quartet presents three of Mozart’s most striking and original string quartets (K157, K421, K590), which chart the course of this complex and fascinating relationship at pivotal moments in his life, interspersed with narrative and readings by Christopher Kent from the revealing correspondence between father and son which continued throughout their lives.

Friday 12th April, 7pm - St Mary’s Church, Boyton, Wilts, BA12 0SS. Tickets £15/£10

Saturday 13th April, 7pm - Kennett, Lincombe Drive, Torquay,TQ1 2LP. Tickets (free with retiring collection)

Sunday 14th April, 5pm, Barkham Exmoor, South Molton, Devon EX36 3LU Tickets £12/£5 (students/U18 free)